Lesson5 vSphere 5.0 存储

1- ESXi支持的存储选项

1. Fibre Channel

2. Fibre Channel over Ethernet

3. iSCSI using software and hardware initiators

4. NAS (specifically, NFS)

5. Local SAS/SATA/SCSI storage

6. InfiniBand



vSphere 5.0可以在线平滑地将VMFS-3升级到VMFS-5.



添加一块硬盘后,应该注意它能否被驱动,最好在’数据存储’查看下 设备运行情况



3-添加 nfs 存储

Nfs 是unix系统间实现磁盘文件共享的一种方法


4-添加外置iSCSI 存储

ISCSI SAN使用的是客户端-服务器架构


An iSCSI initiator is a logical host-side device

that serves the same function as a physical host

bus adapter in Fibre Channel or SCSI/SAS.

iSCSI initiators can be software initiators,The

other form of iSCSI initiators are hardware

initiators. An iSCSI initiator is identified by an

iSCSI qualified name. An iSCSI initiator uses an

iSCSI network portal that consists of one or more

IP addresses. An iSCSI initiator ‘‘logs in’’ to an

iSCSI target.

An iSCSI target is a logical target-side device

that serves the same function as a target in Fibre

Channel SANs. It is the device that hosts iSCSI

LUNs and masks to specific iSCSI initiators.An

iSCSI target is identified by an iSCSI Qualified

Name. An iSCSI target uses an iSCSI network

portal that consists of one or more IP addresses.

iSCSI Logical Unit (LUN) An iSCSI LUN is a

LUN hosted by an iSCSI target. There can be

one or more LUNs ‘‘behind’’ a single iSCSI target.

iSCSI network portal An iSCSI network portal is

one or more IP addresses that are used by an

iSCSI initiator or iSCSI target.

iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) An iSCSI qualified

name (IQN) serves the purpose of the WWN in

Fibre Channel SANs; it is the unique identifier for

an iSCSI initiator, target, or LUN. The format of

the IQN is based on the iSCSI IETF standard.

Static/dynamic discovery iSCSI uses a method

of discovery where the iSCSI initiator can query

an iSCSI target for the available LUNs. Static

discovery involves a manual configuration,

whereas dynamic discovery issues an iSCSIstandard

SendTargets command to one of the

iSCSI targets on the array. This target then

reports all the available targets and LUNs to that

particular initiator.



4-2-1创建 iscsi的 vmkernel端口

4-2-2添加iscsi 适配器

将ISCSI适配器邦定到一个或者多个vmkernel适配器 ,对于从属硬件iscsi适配器,只能使用一个与正确的物理网卡关联的 vmkernel接口



这边用win server 2012 作 iscsi target

4-3 ISCSI负载均衡


当启用storage I/O control后,esxi 会开始监控主机与该数据存储通信时主机遵循的设备滞后时间.

5-1针对数据存储器用storage I/O Control
